
Welcome to “le petit ballon” (the little balloon)!
Have you ever had one of those days where you wish you could just fly away?
Have you ever had a day where you felt so good you could soar?
Many times the frustrations, hurts and disappointments begin to stack one upon the other.  Like an unventilated furnace the smoke keeps accumulating and building until it's so thick you can't see through it and then the real damage begins.
Le petit ballon is a vent to let the smoke drift out and dissipate.  It's not about me writing anything I well please.  There is censorship.  I won't reveal identities, and I will be as general as I can for the main reason that I don't want to hurt others.  As I write about what bothered me, I am in my way releasing it...letting it go.
Certainly though there are sunshine moments in life.  They are the seemingly ordinary moments in life that sparkle and stand out in my memory as good.  Such times make me feel light...they overpower the pressures, and then it's up...up...and away with “le petit ballon”.