Skewed priorities lead to discontentment.
With hindsight I see that with crisp 20/20 vision. It’s not difficult to get caught up with everyday living. In fact, it really does not require any thought to do so. Life’s routine can become just that...routine, monotonous. Rituals, duties, things that need to be done for the sake of living and keeping oneself and one’s environment intact. It’s when I don’t give thought to them that I should ‘wake up and smell the coffee.’ For it is then that I’m about to enter dangerous territory.
In the thick of the repetitious same-old, same-old, the desire to do and pursue what I really enjoy strive to take precedence. Rather than pray or read the Bible or be reflective, it’s too easy to want to do THAT thing that would produce gratification to my senses. Afterall I hardly have time for myself as it is.
I didn’t blindly allow my priorities to teeter. In the back of my mind I knew I should pay more attention in ordering my priorities correctly. With disregard to what I knew better, I catered to my SELF. In time--it didn’t happen right away--my contentment fizzled. Almost at every turn I had something over which to complain. I was like the grumpy child who refused to take a nap. I was miserable, and no matter what I did to please me I couldn’t latch on to that ease of contentment.
When I finally decided to get my priorities back on track, old grouch took a backseat. It’s presence hasn’t disappear; I know it’s there, but it’s no longer in the forefront. It’s just a reminder to me that old grouch was not a figment of my imagination. It does exist, but now I know how to keep an eye on it and not let it come close.
With my priorities in line, it’s refreshing to see with clarity the serene vista contentment creates.
Veronica Thesbit
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